"Rugrat" <johnhkm at logicworld.com.au> writes:
>> . . . Over the last few months more evidence, postings by doctors
> (Anthro L, good archived discussion on it) who have witnessed similiar and
> expressed some astonishment. I accept the reality that there are some normal
> people who by most current understandings should be dithering emotionally
> unpredictable unconscious automatons.
I'm not quite ready to accept this "reality". A couple of years ago
I attempted a literature search for documented case studies of people
with severely shrunken brains and normal intelligence. I didn't come
up with anything. Now I admit that I'm much more familiar with the
neuroscience literature than the medical literature, so it's quite
possible that I didn't know where to look. Can anybody help? I'm not
talking about second-hand discussions, or TV shows (even BBC ones), or
internet mailing lists, I'm talking about a good published case study
with solid quantification of the damage. Is there such a thing?
-- Bill