A Cyborg Bill of Rights--wrong newsgroup!

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Tue Jul 21 22:54:57 EST 1998

In <35b91bbb.132874924 at news.demon.co.uk> bob at lintilla.demon.co.uk (Bob
Cousins) writes: 
>In comp.robotics.misc, steve lajoie wrote:
>>Rick Harker <aibrain at usa.net> wrote in article
<35B48723.A0F8C2C at usa.net>...
>>> Malcolm MacLeod & Others wrote: /snipped/
>>> Why is it that some you people cannot see that Arthur is *trying*
>>> give us (AI) a start? Does it matter that he is/not a sophomore
>>> student; that he does/not use the exact

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