(Human and Cyborg) Standard Model of the Mind

Peter da Silva peter at nmti.com
Wed Jul 22 10:30:10 EST 1998

In article <35b5c7c3.0 at news.victoria.tc.ca>, Mentifex <mentifex at scn.org> wrote:
> The Mentifex campaign to introduce a default Standard Mind Model
> is a virus of the neuroscientific mind infectiously contaminating
> one laboratory after another, leaping from campus to campus and
> from consciousness to consciousness.

So why then is it that nobody other than "Mentifex <mentifex at scn.org>" ever
mentions it?


In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva <peter at baileynm.com>
  `-_-'      "As the complexity of chips approaches the complexity of software.
   'U`        The behavior of chips approaches the behavior of software."
				         -- John Ahlstrom <jahlstrom at cisco.com>

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