(Mind control bomb shelter?:)
It has been suggested that the Faraday Cage might offer some protection against
illegal electronic mind manipulation. General plans for constructing such a
cage can be found at:
Thick metal shielding would be another obvious component.
Thin isn't effective.
Such control is against many known laws on the books just about everywhere.
In particular, it runs directly counter to international agreement as evinced
by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, a condensed
copy of which may be found at:
http://home.sol.no/~kmeyer/tun.htm. Articles 3, 4, 5, 12, *18*, 19, 20 are
all in violation. The Declaration will have a 50th anniversary in December.
It has never been fully realized and is more than ever in jeopardy, but is
certainly a sterling ideal. There is an opportunity to become a signatory to
it and to examine relevant matters at the Amnesty International web site at:
Admittedly, such rituals can seem frivolous when some thug is upon you trying
to turn your brain into soup with a beam weapon.