To the Unknown Neuroscientist

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Tue Jul 21 23:01:11 EST 1998

I guess it's all downhill from 1979...
Midlife crisis?

In <35bb2980.136399912 at news.demon.co.uk> bob at lintilla.demon.co.uk (Bob
Cousins) writes: 
>In comp.robotics.misc, Mentifex wrote:
>>  Yes, certainly, Dr. [...(...)].  It is all about propagating,
>>then verifying, then building the linguistic theory of mind for
>>artificial intelligence which took me fourteen years (from when
>>I was nineteen in 1965, to when I was thirty-three in 1979) to
>>elaborate -- in my work as a neuroscience independent scholar.
>I wonder what year you will make the Internet Kooks page?
>Anyway, this logic/linguistic approach is what has got us nowhere
anyway. Its
>all very well having a top-down "philosophical", logic based approach
but the
>evidence is that the brain, and therefore the only intelligence we
know of, just
>doesn't work like that, it's bottom up, and intelligence is emergent.
>question is not "what do we build to implement intelligence?", but
"how does
>what has been built display intelligence?".
>Its just luck that we can employ any logical thinking at all, most of
the time
>higher brain functions are disorganized and illogical. The range of
>behaviour exhibited by people is as fascinating as the less frequent
>behaviour. Although you to be pretty barking to be considered mad,
there are
>plenty more mad people around than geniuses, and even some of them can
>considered slightly odd. A supplementary question is how does normal
>abnormal behaviour arise.
>On a side note, you may like to consider what mental disorders AI
software might
>suffer from. 
>Bob Cousins, Software Engineer.
>Home page at http://www.lintilla.demon.co.uk/

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