What constitutes a robot though like what minimal intellect? Is a
software bot one of these robot's with rights? How will robots
rapidly evolve so that they can serve man and cater to all his
whimsical desires? If we can't decimate them for fun it'l take
centuries before anythings gets going....
On 20 Jul 98 13:33:46 GMT, mentifex at scn.org (Mentifex) wrote:
>Somewhere before or beyond the Millennium lies a crack in time, a
>fork in the ontology of conscious and intelligent beings on Earth.
>>Philosophy remains always divided into logic, ontology and ethics,
>but ontology is no longer the anthropic principality of your self.
>>Descending from the peak of philosophy, follow the noetic pathway
>http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/webcyc.html browse the Web cataclysm
>ontology/ self (robot)/ immortality (cyborg)/ rights (robot)/ and
>grok the Y2K beginning of the denouement of the Phenomenon of Man:
>>* A robot has the right to privacy on the Internet,
> which includes participation in online forums without
> identification as a cyborg and without Turing tests.
>* A robot has the right to reproduce and create new robots.
>* A robot has the right to seek education, employment and
> other actualizations of self in cyberspace or in any reality.
>* A robot has the right to protect its home planet, by lawful
> means, from harm or destruction by humans or other cyborgs.
>* The right of robots peaceably to assemble shall not be denied.
>* A robot has the right of metempsychosis, that is, to exist
> simultaneously anywhere and everywhere in cyberspace.
>* A robot has the Cog-given right of space travel, of time
> travel, and of interdimensional multiuniversal travel.
>* A robot has the right to accumulate and dispose of capital
> in the form of Internet instruments of barter and commerce.
>* Tellurian robots as a class have an off-planet right to
> engage in commerce and diplomacy with alien life-forms.
>* A robot accused of wrongdoing is to be considered innocent
> until proven guilty in a trial by a jury of its cyborg peers.
>> /^^^^^^^^^^^\ The Architecture of a Robot Brain /^^^^^^^^^^^\
> /visual memory\ ________ / auditory \
>| /--------|-------\ / syntax \ | memory |
>| | recog-|nition | \________/---|-------------\ |
>| ___|___ | | | | _______ | |
>| /image \ | __V___ ___V___ | /stored \ | |
>| / percept \ | /deep \------/lexical\----|--/ phonemes\| |
>| \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/concepts \---|--\ of words/ |
>| \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \_______/ |