To the Unknown Neuroscientist

Mentifex mentifex at scn.org
Tue Jul 21 12:26:45 EST 1998

Date: Tue Jul 21 10:17:56 1998
From: mentifex at scn.org (SCN User)
Subject: Re: A Cyborg Bill of Rights

                                  Seattle WA USA, Tues.21.Jul.1998

Hello, Dr. [name withheld], [to be posted as "the Unknown Neuroscientist"]

Arthur T. Murray (mentifex at scn.org) here.  Thank you for the note,
and for your soothing comments from time to time in the controversial
Usenet threads that I have started.
>At 13:33 20/07/98 GMT, you wrote:
>>Somewhere before or beyond the Millennium lies a crack in time, a
>>fork in the ontology of conscious and intelligent beings on Earth.
>would you mind telling me what the hell this is all about?
>[name withheld]

  Yes, certainly, Dr. [...(...)].  It is all about propagating,
then verifying, then building the linguistic theory of mind for
artificial intelligence which took me fourteen years (from when
I was nineteen in 1965, to when I was thirty-three in 1979) to
elaborate -- in my work as a neuroscience independent scholar.

  Now recently on 09.Jul.1998 I have created a new Web page at
http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/webcyc.html "Encyclopedia Mentifica",
which is really a glorified cross-referenced newsclipping file,
but it is organized under the principle that all knowledge descends
downwards from "Philosophy" through logic + ontology + ethics
into the subordinate categories.  Suddenly, having such an
all-encompassing philosophic Web site lets me tie in ANY topic
with my plans for the artificial brain-minds of artificial
intelligence, and so one by one I am finding Usenet topics on
which to start threads such as "XYZ in the Grand Scheme of Things,"
followed by a link to the Webcyc Mentifex.

   Now, of course, you may wonder, why am I (and how dare I) posting
such things to the august and serious bionet.neuroscience newsgroup?

   Well, neuroscientists have a problem of "not seeing the forest
for the trees."  They are so busy using horseradish peroxidase and
positron emission tomography to trace out barely discernible neural
connections, that they don't even WANT to hear lofty over-arching
theories of the mind, ESPECIALLY from non-scientist outsiders.

   But hear they must, because the truth will out.

   Thank you for your gentlemanly involvement.


Arthur T. Murray
mentifex at scn.org

>>  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ The Architecture of a Robot Brain /^^^^^^^^^^^\
>> /visual memory\                    ________     /   auditory  \
>>|      /--------|-------\          / syntax \   |    memory     |
>>|      |  recog-|nition |          \________/---|-------------\ |
>>|   ___|___     |       |              |        |    _______  | |
>>|  /image  \    |     __V___        ___V___     |   /stored \ | |
>>| / percept \   |    /deep  \------/lexical\----|--/ phonemes\| |
>>| \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/concepts \---|--\ of words/  |
>>|  \_______/    |   \________/    \_________/   |   \_______/   |

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