In article <6ovlka$qer at>, dlc at (Dennis Clark) wrote:
> Mentifex (mentifex at wrote:
> : Somewhere before or beyond the Millennium lies a crack in time, a
> : fork in the ontology of conscious and intelligent beings on Earth.
> [snip]
>> Who _is_ this guy? Does he write for Omni magazine or something?
Sounds more like a sophomore college student that knows just enough abaout
anumber of subjects to sound like he knos what he's talking about but not
enought to fool those who know better.
>> DLC
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> | Dennis Clark (970)898-4313 email dlc at |
> | Hewlett Packard Ft. Collins NSD Ft. Collins CO 80525 |
> | Be well, Do good work, stay in touch -- Garrison Keillor |
> ------------------------- CUT HERE -------------------------