A Cyborg Bill of Rights

Malcolm MacLeod mmacleod at tms-co.com
Tue Jul 21 04:23:18 EST 1998

mentifex at scn.org (Mentifex) wrote:

> Descending from the peak of philosophy, follow the noetic pathway
> http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/webcyc.html browse the Web cataclysm
> ontology/ self (robot)/ immortality (cyborg)/ rights (robot)/ and
> grok the Y2K beginning of the denouement of the Phenomenon of Man:

Don't you mean Web *catechism*, not cataclysm?  
Or were you warning us that your web site is a _disaster_?

I'd be more impressed with your vocabulary if you actually knew
the meanings of those words.

I *know* I'm going to regret asking this, but...

WHO is granting all of these "rights" to robots?  You?

Why should robots have some "rights" not even granted to humans?

> * A robot has the right to privacy on the Internet,
>   which includes participation in online forums without
>   identification as a cyborg and without Turing tests.

YOU didn't pass the Turing test!  Therefore you aren't a person,
and I don't have to deal with you any more.

Have you made up a right exempting you robots from kill filters?

     *****    The Architecture of a Crackpot Brain     *****
*  /^^^^^^^^^^\                   /^^^^^^^^^^^\
* /   visual   \            _________     /   auditory  \
*|hallucinations\          / sin tax \   | hallucinations|
*|      |       |          \_________/---|               |
*|      /--------|-----\          /thumtax \   |         |
*|      |  narcissism  |          \________/---|-------------\
*|      |    _______   | |
*|  /image  \    |     __V___               V___     |   / stoned  \
*| / distort \   |    /  deep  \------/laughable\----|--/ on phoney \
*| \ engrams /---|---/repression\----/ concepts  \---|--\   words   /
*|  \_______/    |   \__________/    \___________/   |   \_________/

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