A Cyborg Bill of Rights

Rich Walker rw at shadow.org.uk
Tue Jul 21 10:50:02 EST 1998

In message <01bdb4ad$714dade0$641bcb88 at e829029.ca.boeing.com>
          "steve lajoie" <lajoie at eskimo.com> wrote:

> The whole point of a robot is to create a being we can abuse,
> We want it to work for cheap, do dangerous jobs, do unrewarding 
> gopher work, and so on. Rights? Robots don't get no stinking
> rights. 

This man has got the point.

If I wanted to build something that would supplant me, would I have spent the
last FIVE YEARS of my life working on it for no pay? I don't think so: I'd be
working for a large biotech or MilInd on good pay...

> Why build 'em if you gotta give 'em rights? If you wanted to
> do that, you could simply have children. 

Hell, I'm planning to  get the robots to have children. Fastest way to get
the first production batch out the door...


Rich Walker: rw at shadow.org.uk (Shadow Robot Project)
http://www.shadow.org.uk        251 Liverpool Road
+44(0)171 700 2487                London  N1 1LX
"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice,
 but in practice, there is"

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