In article <35b3473a.0 at>, mentifex at says...
>* A robot has the right to privacy on the Internet,
> which includes participation in online forums without
> identification as a cyborg and without Turing tests.
>* A robot has the right to reproduce and create new robots.
>* A robot has the right to seek education, employment and
> other actualizations of self in cyberspace or in any reality.
>* A robot has the right to protect its home planet, by lawful
> means, from harm or destruction by humans or other cyborgs.
>* The right of robots peaceably to assemble shall not be denied.
>* A robot has the right of metempsychosis, that is, to exist
> simultaneously anywhere and everywhere in cyberspace.
>* A robot has the Cog-given right of space travel, of time
> travel, and of interdimensional multiuniversal travel.
>* A robot has the right to accumulate and dispose of capital
> in the form of Internet instruments of barter and commerce.
>* Tellurian robots as a class have an off-planet right to
> engage in commerce and diplomacy with alien life-forms.
>* A robot accused of wrongdoing is to be considered innocent
> until proven guilty in a trial by a jury of its cyborg peers.
I think I like Asimov's laws for robots better.
- Hannah Dvorak-Carbone
Hannah Dvorak-Carbone hdvorak at
Division of Biology, Caltech 216-76
Pasadena, CA 91125