Can you guys please skim over this "article" and indicate any definite
or likely factual errors that you may find?
Many Thanks.
Warren Rees, PT
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Cellular Consciousness and Healing
by John F. Barnes, PT
special to PT Today
Our model of reality is deepening and expanding with the help of new
scientific, electronic microscopes and sophisticated techniques.
My experience had been that consciousness infuses our entire being. For
years I have taught that fascia on the microscopic level is actually a
three-dimensional web of tiny, hollow tubules filled with fluid carrying
information. This information in the form of thermal, electromagnetic
and mechanical energy is transmitted to all aspects of the mind/body
complex via myofascial release for healing on the deepest levels.
The old way of observing this phenomena was to try to break everything
down into its lowest common denominator; the reductionist model. Until
quite recently there have been very few experiments set up to observe
the living system. Biology has a long tradition of fixing, pinning,
clamping, pressing, pulping, homogenizing, extracting and
fractionating.* This unfortunately gave us a very limited and distorted
understanding of the interrelationships of the whole living system.
Has an understanding of consciousness eluded brain researchers because
they have limited their focus to the brain?
A major international conference was recently held in Cambridge, England
called "Beyond the Brain: New Avenues in Consciousness Research."
Speakers included many of the world's most eminent theorists of
consciousness experience including Nobel laureate physicist Brian
Josephson, neurologist Stuart Hameroff, psychiatrist Stanislav Grof,
evolutionary scientist Ervin Laszlo, and psychologist Charles Tart. The
conclusion of the conference is that there is evidence of a shift away
from the premise that consciousness is a mere byproduct of brain
Science is in the throws of a deep-seated revolution. When you look at
the evidence that the mind is not confined to the skull you
automatically expand the
horizons of research. Many people are now realizing the ways in which we
have been limited by the assumptions of science.
Reductionists tend to overlook the fact that neurons are alive and
traditional views of the hierarchical organization of the brain stop at
the synapse as the fundamental switch, analogous to bytes in computers.
The complexity of neurons and their synapses, however, are closer to
entire computers than individual switches. This implies the mechanism of
consciousness may depend on an understanding of the organization of
adaptive (cognitive) functions within living cells.*
Is fascia the physical basis for the emergence of consciousness?
Recent discoveries support this suggestion. Two of the leading
researchers on consciousness, mathematical physicist Roger Penrose, and
Stuart Hameroff have stated that past brain/consciousness research had
been severely limited by scientists not looking deeper than the synapse
of the nervous system.*
With the help of new, sophisticated electronic microscopes capable of
incredible magnification, Penrose and Hameroff have discovered
microtubules filled with fluid within the cytoskeleton of the cell.
The famous neuroscientist C.S. Sherrington observed the cytoskeleton may
act as the nervous system of single-cell organisms. Synaptic connections
are formed and regulated by cytoskeletal polymers, including
Penrose and Hameroff speculated that the cytoskeleton is like a
micro-myofascial system, within each cell. This micro-myofascial system
is made up of a skeleton of tubules filled with fluid and surrounded and
interconnected from cell to cell by a viscous ground substance.
They go on to suggest that using the quantum field theory, that ordering
of the water molecules and the electromagnetic field confined inside the
hollow microtubules core manifest a specific collective dynamics called
"super radiance." Accordingly, each microtubule can transform
incoherent, disordered energy (molecular, thermal or electromagnetic)
into coherent photons within its hollow core.*
This information supports the continuity of the myofascial system from
the inside of the cell to the very periphery of our being and the
holographic model of reality where photons (light) are transmitted as
information throughout the mind/body complex. Consciousness
(information) is necessary for healing. Consciousness may emerge as a
macroscopic quantum state from a critical level of coherence of
quantum-level events in and around a specific class of neurobiological
micro-structures: cytoskeletal microtubules within neurons.*
This information about how information/consciousness is transmitted
through the hollow core of the microtubules to all aspects of the
mind/body helps to deepen our understanding of the piezoelectric effect
when the myofascial system is treated.
The fascia is a piezoelectric tissue; therefore when a therapist
utilizing the gentle, sustained pressure of myofascial release through
compression, stretching, or twisting of the myofascial system, generates
a flow of bioenergy (information) throughout the mind/body complex by
the piezoelectric phenomenon.
This facilitates the extracellular matrix to transform as it undergoes
its "sol to gel" reorganization during myofascial release. Fascia is
behaving as an electrically conductive medium which allows this
visco-elastic tissue to rehydrate under the sustained pressure of the
therapist's hands.
This rehydration also allows for an elongation of the myofascial system
relieving the pressure on pain sensitive structures for alleviation of
the symptoms of pain, headaches and the restoration of motion.
So we are connected-- from deep within each call of our being flows
information/consciousness via light energy (photons) throughout all
aspects of our mind/body.
The incredible magnification of our new electronic microscopes has
allowed scientists to see myofascial structures within the cell that
expand our knowledge and provide us with a more accurate understanding
of our fascial system and its importance to the healthy functioning of
our mind/body.
There is an avalanche of new information coming out on the deeper
structures of the cell, the myofascial system, holography and the
piezoelectric phenomenon. I will go into more detail in future articles
on these fascinating subjects.
Myofascial release and the other excellent "hands-on" therapies give the
therapist powerful healing techniques to effectively, cost-efficiently
and comprehensively help your patients realize their full potential.
*References furnished upon request.
Article reprinted by permission.
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