Post-Doc Position in Sensory Neurophysiology

Partap Singh Khalsa partap.khalsa at sunysb.edu
Mon Jul 20 16:29:05 EST 1998

University at Stony Brook

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION available immediately to study 
the neural population response of cutaneous nociceptors 
to controlled mechanical stretch and compression. 2+ 
yr. project involves developing a new apparatus for 
mechanical testing of an in-vitro skin - nerve preparation, modeling
continuum stress-strain state in skin, and recording from isolated
peripheral neurons. Small animal surgery, engineering background, &
programming experience in LabView will be assets. Salary is based on NIH
post-doc rates and includes standard university health benefits.

Send letter of interests, CV, and 3 references to: 
P.S. Khalsa, D.C., Ph.D.
Dept. Biomedical Engineering
State University of New York
HSC T18-030
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8181
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