Mentifex wrote:
> Somewhere before or beyond the Millennium lies a crack in time, a
> fork in the ontology of conscious and intelligent beings on Earth.
Suppose I write a simple program that has 3 variables one called PAIN,
one called PLEASURE, and one called OUTPUT, which would print it's value
on the screen, The person running the program would be able to change
the state of PAIN and PLEASURE, from ON to OFF while the program was
running. And all the program would simply do is is go through every
value OUTPUT(which would have a finite range) continuously until PAIN
was OFF and PLEASURE was ON. Now that we have this program, would it be
unethical to inflict pain on the computer? And if I were to change the
name of the variables would it still be unethical to keep the variable
formerly known as PAIN in the ON state???
-describe to you're self in your own words, what the difference is you
observe between the colors blue and red...