call for abstracts

PD Dr. Backhaus backhaus at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Jul 18 21:37:40 EST 1998

Please, post the following text:

Thank you. Werner Backhaus


Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici
Study Programm on=20
"From Neuronal Coding to Consciousness"

International School on Biophysics
"Neuronal Coding of Perceptual Systems"

Isle of Ischia (Npales), Italy
October 12-17, 1998

Opening Ceremony and Introductory Lecture:
Naples, morning of October 12, 1998

[1] Vision: Nneuronal Copding of Colour, Space, From, Motion and Polarized=
      Light Perception
[2] Hearing and Touch: Neuronal Coding of Auditory and Mechano Perception
[3] Taste and Smell: Neuronal Coding of Chemical Perception
[4] Neuronal Coding of Temperature, Pain, Electro, and Magneto Perception
[5] Neuronal Coding, Internal Representations, Qualia and Sensations

Advisory Board
A. Clark (USA), M. Kavaliers (C), L. Maffei (I), T. Radil (CZ), U. Thurm (D=
G.Tratteur (I), R. de Valois (USA), R. Wehner (CH), J.S. Werner (USA)

Director of the School
W. Backhaus
Freie Universit=E4t Berlin (D)

For program and application form (deadline 15.8.98) see:

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