repost: "everything"

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jul 18 14:08:36 EST 1998

In <6oiq4s$87u$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com> kyan1 at vaxc.hofstra.edu writes: 
>pls feel free to forward this post.
>for an html version with illustrations:
>                Everything  (p)1998 July 11
>   * beginning with solipsism.  Im trying to make sense of the

     COMMENT: Lots of luck; you're operating with a severe handicap.

>   * coronary:  everything (in physical world) contributes to (my)
>     consciousness.  clouds in the sky etc etc

    COMMENT AND COMPLAINT: coronary?!?  are you trying to give me      
        one?!? I nearly "had a coronary" when I read this.  Maybe you  
        mean "corollary"?  (Not a typo?  you repeat it below)

>   * if a cloud can contribute to my consciousness,  it may also
>     contribute to "other consciousnesses" ===> everything has
>     consciousness
       COMMENT: Whoa! curb those non sequiturs!  You can be conscious  
                OF a cloud--is that what you mean?  It doesn't follow  
                that "everything" is conscious of a cloud...           
                (Of course, on October 22--I forget the year--Fechner  
                had a sudden conviction that he knew how to prove that 
                everything in the universe was conscious.  He wasn't   
                thinking clearly--just woke out of a deep sleep--but   
                his method DID prove useful)(i.e. the psychophysical   

>   * coronary:  that other minds appear to be inscrutable to me, is
>     because our means of interaction (language, fornication etc
>     is limited

          COMMENT: see reference to handicap (supra); problem may be   
            worse for some people than for others...

>     [Image]
>   * other minds...  and other inanimate things previously thought to
>     be without consciousness (such as Barbie Doll, for that

         COMMENT: I tend to believe Barbie Dolls are still without     
         consciousness; and consciousness may be rather limited in     
         adults who play with them or attribute consciousness to them.


>     & that humans have 5 senses is only an evolutionary contingency
>yan king yin
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