Seeking for a post-doctoral position in neurobiology

Delatour xgastvu at home.vu.nl
Sat Jul 18 07:58:01 EST 1998

Dear colleague(s),

    I have obtained my PhD in Neurosciences in January 1998 at the
University of Paris XI (France); the subject of my thesis involved the
study of specific prefrontal cortical lesions in rats and its effects in
learning and memory processes (see for example "Delatour, B. and P.
Gisquet-Verrier (1996). “Prelimbic cortex specific lesions disrupt
"delayed-variable response tasks" in the rat: Possible interpretations.”
Behavioral Neuroscience 110(6): 1282-1298"). I am presently working as a
postdoctoral fellow at the Free University of Amsterdam, in Prof. Menno
Witter's group; the subject of this ongoing research concerns the
anatomy of the connections linking the hippocampal formation (CA1,
subiculum and entorhinal cortex) and the prefrontal cortex.
This research project will be pursued until February 1999. Therefore,
starting from March 1999, I will probably be available to start a new
postdoctoral research program. My main interests are related to the
anatomo-functional basis of learning and memory functions.
All proposal are welcome and if you need further information concerning
my CV and interests, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Dr. Benoit Delatour (PhD)

--email: B.Delatour.anat at med.vu.nl
--ph: (31 20) 4448034
--fax: (31 20) 4448054
Free University of Amsterdam
Dpt of Anatomy and Embryology
Van der Boechorststraat 7
1081 BT Amsterdam
The Netherlands

--email: xgastvu at home.vu.nl
--ph: (31 20)6826240
Lucellestraat 36 HS
1055 JA Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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