brain simulation

jjj jaceklk at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 18 01:34:40 EST 1998

Hi all,

I just read an article in Science magazine about that monkey having a scan
of her brain with fNMR (dynamic, real time magnetic resonance) and I had
that thought: I think that researchers struggle to create a human-like,
artificial brain. They try to teach that brain on the input from environment
only, but how about  if you can have a human fNMR scan with all different
thoughts as an additional input. You can create easily a vast amount of data
for a artificial neural net!
Another words, you would input both visual/auditory input (same as that real
brain receives) AND the blood flow in biological neural network (fNMR scan).
Goal wold be to recreate a net which would behave the same way as the real
Advantage would be that you can easily test the new artificial brain if both
the fNMR of real brain and the activity in artificial neural net are the
same. Also, I'm not sure but I feel that additional,easily acquired info,
would help in creating the net since it give more information about the
hidden nodes/layers of the neural net.
What do you think? Would that help a little in ultimate goal? :)
(I realize that the real NN are very complex and that simulating that vast
number of complex neurons is not possible today.)


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