help my daughter,please

qiaoboqing at my-dejanews.com qiaoboqing at my-dejanews.com
Fri Jul 17 00:11:26 EST 1998

  Summary of Patient Info  Patient QJ,female,aged 2 and half years complained
ofcoolness of the left lower limb became  thinner and fatigue on walkigue on
walking gradually went worse.paradoxical Pain and dyspnea  frequently
interrupted her sleep.No history of trauma,familial diseases and other
diseases  were noted.  On April 26,1998 she was hospitalized in the
department of spine and spinal cord surgery of	wendeng Orthopedic
Hospital.On exam,skin temperature of the left lower limb was significantly 
lower than that of the counterlateral limb,myodynamia of the left iliopsoas
muscle,femoral	quadriceps muscle,anterior tibial muscle,and other muscularof
the left lower limb and musculi  innominatum were all scored III.dull
sensation over the skin area below the umbilicus was noted,  and knee-ankle
reflex was decreasad.Nopathological reflex and abnormal laboratory test were 
detected.  MRI and CT from Qingdao Municipal Hospital revealed:submeanigeal
thoracic spinal cord of the  vertebral tube from the lower margin of T8 to
upper margin of T12 became locally thickened.T1  weighted image was a bit
lower than the long T1 low-signal lesion of thoracic spinal cord.T2  weighted
image present long T2 high signal with round-like shape and sharp margin,the
upper  and lower thoracic spinal cord was edematous with long T1 and
T2signal.The posterior-superior  and anterior-inferior subarachnoid space
became enlarged,the inferior thoracic spine cord was  shifted to the right
posteriorly.  Preoperative diagnosis:neurilemmoma or neurogliocytoma  In the
afternoon on April28,operation was performed under general anesthesia by side
opening  of the vertebral lamina of T8-l!from right to the left.tumor body
was exposed in the left  anterior side ofthe spinal cord after incision of
the meaniges,which was of long and round-like  shape,4-5 cm  long without
obvious border.With the incising of outer capsule,tumor body  present
rotten-fish-like apperarance without any bordering to the spinal cord.Twenty
percent  of the tumor body and no bleeding during the operation were
noted.Operation was ended with	closure-like incision after suture of
meaniges in order to prevent adhesion and to provide  opportunity for next
operation.  Sensation of the left lower limb existed after operation.
Myodynamia of sored 0,which  began to improve 7 days after
operation,approaching score I-II at present. No further sleep  interruption
was detected after operation and skin temperature of the left lower limb
rise.  Post-operative diagnosis:Pathoological diagnosis of gliocytoma (by
consultation between  Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao Medical College and
Qingdao Oncology Hospital)  Time:  May 13, 1998

  Result of MRI scanning of thoracic spinal cord  MRI and CT from QINGDAO
Municipal Hospital revealed localized oval lesion in the spinal cord of
TH8-12 with uneven signal of long T1 long T2 signals.There were longer T1 and
T2 signal in the upper and lower part of the lesion with clear margin.The
anterior-posterior distance of vertebral tube of Th9-l2 became enlarged with
maximum of 2 cm.Part of the vertebral lamina and accessories were
deficit.Subarachoid space in front of the lesion was widened. 
Conclusion:Postoperative findings of gliocytoma of spinal cord (by Institute
of Clinical Medicine),	Pathological Report:Astrocytoma grade I-II(by Qingdao
Oncology Hospital).

  My name is Qiao jiao and I'm two years and eight months old.When I
was one,my parents,aunt and grandparents asked the TV station show a
song for me,the aunt in the station said I had big eyes,round face,
little mouth and nose -I was a little beauty.
  It's at that time,my parents ofter brought me to see the doctor bacause
that the temperature of my left foot was obviously lower that of my
right one.
  one year later,I had a photo named MRI taken.My mother gave up her job
to look after me.When I was two and a half,my parents brought me and my
MRI to Beijing,and it's the first time for me to take train and plane.
  On April 28,1998,I was operated in wendeng Orthopedic Hospital.It's said
that in my spinal cord there's a tumour named Astrocytoma.It couldn't be
taken out of my body.I didn't fear to have medicine and injection.Doctors
and nurses all likes me and said I was brave.When we went home,many people
came to see me,I was very glad.It's said by the adults that I cannot be
cured domestically,but we haven't enough money to go abroad.My mother
gave up her job,our saving are exhauseted.We live on my father's salery of
USD55 per month.A big part of them are spent on medicine.
  However,my father are keeping trying.
  One said my name is not good,father changed my name into Qiao Yuyi.I feel
he's too superstitious,but he thinks he will trust everything if I can be
  My father have not smiled for a long time,although he have in the past.I
wish he was excited,but who can help us?

                                           Qiao jiao
                                           Oh,now my name is Qiao yuyi.
                                           July 14,1998

  contact: Mr. Qiao boqing
	   Email:qiaoboqing at hotmail.com

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