Brain Software

Jeff Wilson WILSONJ at ipfw.edu
Thu Jul 16 08:40:21 EST 1998

Those of you interested in the history of instructional software might
want to check out my (now quite primitive) Brainscape, a text-based
adventure game that teaches neuroanatomy.  It can be downloaded at 


from the Other Web Resources page (where one can also find links to
some other software).

The downloadable zip file contains documentation and the program,
which should run on virtually any PC-compatible computer (it is
dos-based).  IMPORTANT:  Brainscape was written back in the days of
8088 processors, and parts of it will run MUCH TOO FAST on most
current machines.  When given the choice of pressing I for
"instructions" or G for "game," first press F for "fast computer" and
this problem should be bypassed.

Please be forgiving in examining this game.  I was quite proud of it
when it was released (see Behavior Research Methods, Instruments &
Computers, 1986, 18:478-479), but it is clearly primitive by current

Jeff Wilson
wilsonj at ipfw.edu

On Wed, 15 Jul 1998 21:51:00 GMT, "Philip Proper"
<pproper at dreamscape.com> wrote:

>Does anyone know of software for the instruction of brain anatomy and
>function? Thanks, Philip

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