repost: "everything"

kyan1 at vaxc.hofstra.edu kyan1 at vaxc.hofstra.edu
Wed Jul 15 12:50:20 EST 1998

pls feel free to forward this post.
for an html version with illustrations:

                Everything  (p)1998 July 11

   * beginning with solipsism.  Im trying to make sense of the world...

   * believe in physical science (such as Newtonian mechanics)...
         because science works ===> has pragmatic value

   * science is based on generalization ===> can never be exhaustive

   * discovery of my body (eg looking at mirror etc)...
         & of other bodies (observing physical similarity)

   * observe connection between my body & my consciousness
         (eg hand burnt ===> pain)

   * thus, existence of other minds is inferred (on scientifical basis)

   * Q: where is the site of consciousness?

   * extrapolation from lobotomy:  as more & more brain matter is
     taken away...  gradual loss of consciousness & eventually complete
     loss...  (supported by evidence of our lack of infantile memory)

   * therefore, in order to achieve immortality...  the brain process
     better be sustained

   * other parts of the body also contribute to consciousness
         (eg heart beats, orgasms etc etc)

   * the fact that limbs might be amputated without significantly
     altering the mind does not write off the limbs contribution to
     consciousness...  not unlike that brain matter could be taken away
     & (possibly) be replaced by new growth


   * coronary:  everything (in physical world) contributes to (my)
     consciousness.  clouds in the sky etc etc

   * if a cloud can contribute to my consciousness,  it may also
     contribute to "other consciousnesses" ===> everything has

   * coronary:  that other minds appear to be inscrutable to me, is only
     because our means of interaction (language, fornication etc etc...)
     is limited


   * other minds...  and other inanimate things previously thought to
     be without consciousness (such as Barbie Doll, for that matter)...
     & that humans have 5 senses is only an evolutionary contingency

yan king yin

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