Postdoctoral Position

P. John Hart pjhart at bioc02.uthscsa.edu
Wed Jul 15 16:55:35 EST 1998

A POSTDOCTORAL POSITION is available starting October 1, 1998 to examine
structure/function relationships of medically relevant protein molecules
by X-ray crystallography and other biophysical techniques.  Experience in
protein expression and purification is required. Protein chemists and
molecular biologists with a desire to learn X-ray diffraction methods are
especially encouraged to apply. Subjects of study include anitoxidant
proteins and their derivatives (CuZnSODs), blue copper electron transfer
proteins (stellacyanins, plantacyanins, uclacyanins), and platelet -
activating factor (PAF) metabolizing enzymes.

The laboratory is part of the core X-ray crystallographic facility
in the Center for Biomolecular Structure Analysis in the brand new
Allied Health Research Building.  State-of-the-art crystallographic
(R-Axis IV, RU-300, X-stream) and computational (DEC Alphas/SGIs) facilities
are available in the laboratory.  Ample shared facilities (protein core,
DNA sequencing, mass spec, etc.) are also available on the Health Science
Center campus.

The University of Texas Health Science Center is located 8 miles north of
downtown San Antonio and just south of the scenic Texas Hill Country.    
The Center has over 900 full-time faculty, and a student enrollment of almost 
2,700.  Physical resources include 1.65 million square feet of research and 
research support facilities and a nationally recognized library.  Visit
http://bioc02.uthscsa.edu/biochem.html to learn more about the department,
the institution, and the city of San Antonio.

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in biochemistry, chemisty, molecular biology,
or a related field.  Please send a cover letter, c.v. and contact information
for three references to:

Dr. P. John Hart
Department of Biochemistry
The University of Texas
Health Science Center at San Antonio
San Antonio, TX 78284-7760
(210) 567-8779

Enquire via email to:  pjhart at bioc02.uthscsa.edu

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