New Free Macintosh 3d EEG Display Software Website

Sky Coyote sky at intergalact.com
Tue Jul 14 07:37:03 EST 1998

New Free Macintosh 3d EEG Display Software Website

Prolate1 is an ongoing experimental software application for Power
Macintosh computers which can read and display time-varying EEG
electric field potential on the surface of a prolate spheroid. 
Time-series EEG data from multiple sensors located at arbitrary
positions on a spheroid are read into the program and used to
interpolate values of the field at other, arbitrary, lattice points
contained on the spheroid.  These interpolated values are then used to
color surface patches of the spheroid, and to create a dynamic color
animation of the field in 3-d as it changes over time.

This software can be seen and downloaded from the following website:

  <URL: http://www.intergalact.com/eeg/prolate1/>

This site also contains introductory online documentation for the
software, and several images of real animated data.

For more information, please write to:

  11r at ornl.gov         (Dr. Thomas L. Ferrell), or
  sky at intergalact.com  (Sky Coyote)

Please forward this notice to anyone who might be interested.

©Copyright Dr. Thomas L. Ferrell and Sky Coyote, 1998.

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