soledad at wrote:
> On Thu, 02 Jul 1998 16:59:28 -0400, Sej Mac <skring at> wrote:
>> >Andy Glew wrote:
> >
> >> > But there is a GRAND CHALLENGE taunting you and your species,
> >> > uttered by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche:
> >>
> >> Oh, for God's sake:
> >> Nietzsche is dead!
> >
> >Hmmm, lots of people are dead; great geniuses are dead; Einstein is
> >dead. Does that mean that their life efforts, their ideas, are also
> >dead??
> >
>> Ideologically, Nietzsche is dead.
Only the Superman idea is dead, and Niet. wrote that in one of his
paranoid schizophrenic attacts. Funny, only his sick rantings gained much
attention; to read what he said as his normal self, is really to have an
eye opener. He really was a genius, and for this reason, I think,
acquired p.s. But you have to be something of a "literary archaeologist"
to get these ideas; he, like most philosophers, wrote in stream of
consciousness (before Joyce celebrated this style). You have to fish
around for like topics, covered in sentences here and there, and piece
them together like shards.
> And arguably a floater to begin with.
Not arguably. When he was under an accute attack, boy did he float! When
he was sane, he was all but buried in the earth, literarily (but not
cognitively) speaking. Very sane; we should all be that sane!
> Cro, very much alive.
Yes---and no. Our prehistoric species were quite different from us,
cognitively speaking. On the outer surface of things, identical to us,
but we are noticing some major neurological changes in ourselves after 7K
years of civilization and the soft, artificial life it has done to us. We
do not have the accute senses, for one thing, and I suspect the corpus
collosum in prehistoric males was as large and as well developed in males,
then, as they are now in females. Also, our male fertility is giving out
species wide. Down some 50% I hear.