A Hierarchy in the Flat Neocortex

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at victoria.tc.ca
Sat Jul 11 12:13:53 EST 1998

The great sheet of the neocortex in the human brain may look con-
voluted--Nature's way of cramming in more ads per issue--but log-
ic dictates that we view the six Laminae (Latin for "layers") of
the laminated neocortex as a flat mindgrid which would encompass
about fifty square centimeters if it were actually laid out flat.

So how does a multi-tiered, towering superstructure of Chomskyan
syntax take up residence within the logically flat neuromindgrid?
It is by means of the ASSOCIATIVE TAG, which permits us flatland-
ers (flatliners?) to construct cathedrals of thought in our mind-
grids.  Please follow Web links to garner an understanding of AI:

  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ A Hierarchy in the Flat Neocortex /^^^^^^^^^^^\
 /visual memory\           ________   semantic   /  auditory   \
|      /--------|-------\ / syntax \  memory    |episodic memory|
|      |  recog-|nition | \________/------------|-------------\ |
|   ___|___     |       |     |flush-vector     |    _______  | |
|  /image  \    |     __|__  / \  _______       |   /stored \ | |
| / percept \   |    /     \/   \/ Verbs \------|--/ phonemes\| |
| \ engrams /---|---/ Nouns \    \_______/      |  \ of words/  |
|  \_______/    |   \_______/-------------------|---\_______/   |

http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/webcyc.html -- the first-ever Webcyc
-- is logically similar to the flat neocortex holding hierarchies
of linguistic structure, because both the flat neocortex and flat
file of the Webcyc Mentifex function as an associative hierarchy.

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