Electrophysiology postdoc at Boston University

terrell gibbs tgibbs at bu.edu
Fri Jul 10 15:15:13 EST 1998

Electrophysiologist sought for postdoctoral position in the Laboratory of
Molecular Neurobiology, Boston University School of Medicine (Drs. David
H. Farb, Terrell T. Gibbs, and Shelley J. Russek, Principal
Investigators). We are a multidisciplinary research team combining
electrophysiological, pharmacological, and molecular biological approaches
to study mechanisms of modulation and regulation of ligand-gated ion
channels. Project involves electrophysiological studies to test a model of
allosteric modulation of neurotransmitter receptors. Single-cell
electrophysiology and/or Xenopus oocyte electrophysiology experience

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