FS: Electrophysiological equipment, Microscopes, Vibration isolation table, Vapourizors, 19" rack, Axopatch Amplifier, Nanosteppers, PCM and recordrer

Lance Corey lance at neuro.pharmacology.ubc.ca
Thu Jul 9 10:56:56 EST 1998

We have several items for sale; all prices are in Canadian dollars,
which does not including shipping cost.  Please contact me if you need
more information.

Zeiss microscope		$2500
	1.25x inline polarizer, 16x eyepieces, 1.6x head piece, 5
objective turret with the following objectives (6.3x, 20x, 32x long
working distance, 40x)

Leitz microscope		$2500
	Hoffman Modulation Contrast microscope with 10x eyepices, 5
objective turret with the following objectives (3.2x, 10x Hoffman
Modulation Contrast, 32x Hoffman Modulation Contrast)

Olympus microscope		$1500
	10x eyepieces, 4 objective turret with the following
objectives (4x, 10x, 40x, 100x)

Surgical type binocular Olympus microscope on floor stand	$3000
	10x eyepieces with 3.1x to 20x objectives

Surgical type binocular Zeiss microscope		$1500
	20x eyepieces with 6x to 40x objectives

Vibration Isolation Table with Faraday cage	$3000
	24" x 36" table with smooth top, 29" clearance in Faraday
cage, includes gas regulator for compressed air tank

2 Fluotec 3 Vapourizers for Forane (isoflorane)		$1000 ea

3 precision nanosteppers		$3000 ea

Burleigh microdrive		$1000

David Koff hydrolic microdrive	$500

Hammond 19" rack, 6' tall		$400

Axon Axopatch Amplifier 1C		$3000

Medical Systems Pulse Code Modulator (PCM) with Sony Super Beta Video
Recorder		$800

Thank you for your interest.

Lance Corey
Dept Pharmacology & Therapeutics
2176 Health Sciences Mall
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z3
phone & fax : 1 (604) 822-6980

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