In article <35aac1d1.4926963 at>,
fmatzka at (Frank Matzka) wrote:
> I'm looking for some basic examples of how very small changes in brain
> chemistry can affect our moods behaviour. Where can I find something
> that would explain some basics suitable for the average person.
>> I'm prompted after reading somewhere that some ingredient of chocolate
> stimulates feelings of wellbeing and if you believe Cadbury, love.
> I've also been observing the effect of red cordial on my kids :)
>> And brain hydration-what variations (in percentages) can be expected
> and what effects would that have? Apparently the headaches from
> hangovers are hydration related.
>> Thanks.......Frank
Well your question is very extensive and global. For example about chocolate,
like coffee or tea it has not one, many ingredients can change some nervous
status, chocolate has caffeine, teobromine, teine, and other amine like
components can play as central stimulators also Coke and Pepsi have caffeine
in their formulation, all this amines not only are stimulators of Central
Nervous System, their are addictive, so many people became addict to
chocolate, or coke in the same way than other people are addict to coffee (me
for example). All this amine like compounds increase some neurotransmitters
levels principally in the amine circuit of the brain, generally related to
alert, aggression, sexual activity, and other emotive responses. In the
periferic system this compounds are related with blood pressure level (all of
them increase the blood pressure), heart stimulation, and gastric secretion.
About dehydration.... the level of water movements in body tissues are highly
controlled and just a 5% of water loose are a middle risk situation, with 10%
of dehydration the patient are in pre-coma status. More than a 15% of
dehydration are close to live incompatibility. So maybe you refer to very
light levels of dehydration, and those changes occur only in connective
tissue never at principal (brain, kidney, liver) tissues. PhD. Med. Vet.
Carlos Blanco.
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