Liquid-liquid Extraction

Shayne Woodward Shayne_Woodward at discovery.umeres.maine.edu
Tue Jul 7 08:59:51 EST 1998

I need to measure levels of two inactive metabolites of
chloroacetaldehyde, 2- and 3- dechloroethylifosfamide, respectively. 
The apparent method for measurement is to use a technique called
liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) using ethyle acetate, then resolving on
a Chirasil-L-val GC column and then detected via a
nitrogen-phosphorous-selective flame ionization detector.  Does anyone
have any knowledge about this or know of a lab or company that could
run some plasma samples?  Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thanks in

Shayne Woodward
Surgical Research
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH

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