Robin Allott (RMAllott at wrote on 03 Jul 1998:
> Recent work of Rizzolatti, Arbib and Gallese at the University
> of Parma, the discovery of mirror neurons in the premotor cortex,
> has suggested how directly gesture and language could be related
> in the evolution and functioning of the brain. See 'Language
> within our grasp' [Trends in Neuroscience 1998 May;21(5):188-194
> Rizzolatti and Arbib]. [...]
> [...] Along with MRI and PET scanning studies of brain language
> functions, this work lends new support to the motor theory of
> language origin and development based on the close integration
> in the brain of motor control, visual perception and articulation.
> [...]> [...]
The standard (by default) model of the Unified Theory of Cognition for language function in the brain
began with a VMHTS (Verbal Motor Habit Tagging System) but moved
for theoretical purposes to a Chomskyan architecture of concepts:
Hearing Vision Concepts Volition Emotion Motor Output
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