the use of wave technology

Kim Bruning K.F.Bruning at NOSPAM.students.bio.uu.nl
Sun Jul 5 13:49:02 EST 1998

pauldg at sprintmail.com heeft geschreven in bericht
<359d3d46.30335263 at nntp.a001.sprintmail.com>...
>i don't know if i should be publishing to this news group
>since i am not a scientist. but, i have experienced and have
>been harassed by a type of technology i am not familiar
>with. i was told by someone else that the technology
>sounds similar to what is called a neurophone. what
>i would like to know is, if there are any scientific
>groups studying or willing to study the use of this
>type of technology when it is being used only to
>harass and invade someone's privacy?

That's wierd, (as newton said when the apple fell on his head)
Please explain & elaborate on what you mean.


Met Vriendelijke Groet,
        Kim Bruning

(As a scientist, one must take everything seriously until proven otherwise,
 and this is relevant enough, I guess)

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