Trolling for languages

Sej Mac skring at banet.net
Mon Jul 6 10:03:40 EST 1998

Benjamin P. Carter wrote:

>  mentifex at scn.org (Mentifex) wrote::
> >  ...and makes many disciplines diaphanous to the inspecting eye
> >  of a strong intellect schooled in Latin and Greek ...
> Yep.  The medical priesthood tried to keep hoi polloi in the dark by
> changing "adrenaline" to "epinephrine", but any classical scholar can
> see right through this transparently obvious ploy.  ;)

Interesting to note that there are others who noted this otherwise
inexplicable shift in nomenclature.  But as the "mass trash" catch up with
this change, what will they change to then, Swahili?  (:-D)

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