Upcoming lab equipment online auctions with Going, Going...Sold!

Mark Atlas mark118 at ix.netcom.com
Mon Jul 6 10:24:16 EST 1998

Upcoming lab equipment online auctions with Going, Going...Sold!

Going, Going Sold is now in it's 9th month of operations.  It has rapidly become a standard for buying and selling
quality and functional used labware.  Come buy and visit http://www.going-going-sold.com
Unlike other services, we handle all aspects of the sale  and provide you with in lab evaluations of equipment. We also
guarantee that if you bid on a product that the seller  must sell the equipment.  This is the only auction online which
makes these guarantees as we are bonded auctioneers who run the auction. 

If your equipment is not found on the site you can also contact us to provide a value added custom equipment search
Below are some upcoming auctions

Sale Closing : 7/10/98	
Opening Prices	
1. Centra 4B    $1,395.00	
2. Beckman DU-62    $4,200.00	
3. Gilson HPLC System    $5,450.00	
4. Beckman Gamma Counter    $2,750.00	
5. Plasma 40 ICAP    $1,500.00	
6. Varian Atomic Absorbtion Spec    $1,000.00	
7. UV Spec    $500.00	
8. Varian 3400 GC, Tekamr LSC 2016/ALS 2000 Purge and trap    $3,000.00	
9. Colorimeter    $350.00	
10. Varian 3400  w/(TSD,ECD), integrator    $2,500.00	
11. Varian 3300 w/FID and Hall detector Tekmar LSC 2000    $2,500.00	
12. PE FTIR w/ color plotter    $1,000.00	
13. CEM Microwave digestion system    $400.00	
Sale Closing : 7/15/98	
Opening Prices	
1. Sorvall RC 3B and Rotor    $7,400.00	
2. Beckman GPR Centrifuge    $3,100.00	
3. Beckman L5-50 Centrifuge    $3,400.00	
4. Beckman L5-75 Centrifuge    $7,400.00	
5. Beckman L7-65 Ultra Centrifuge    $4,850.00	
6. Beta Scint. Counter    $13,000.00	
7. Amino Acid Analyzer    $35,000.00	
8. Beckman DU-70    $4,900.00	
9. Tekmar 2000 sampler    $6,900.00	
10. Liquid Chromatograph    $27,900.00	
11. Varian 3400 GC    $8,500.00	
12. IR Spectrometer    $10,000.00	
13. Waters HPLC System (newer)600E/486/717    $15,300.00	
Sale Closing : 7/17/98	
Opening Prices	
1. Beckman TJ-6R Centrifuge    $2,250.00	
2. Purifier Class II    $2,500.00	
3. Model 996 PDA Detector    $4,750.00	
4. Optima Ultracentrifuge    $20,000.00	
5. Phase Contrast Microscope    $2,000.00	
6. ABEC Bioreactor    $77,500.00	
7. Gruenburg Depyro Oven    $1,700.00	
8. Preparative HPLC pumping system and column    $31,000.00	
9. Fraction collector for Prep system item 304    $3,600.00	
Sale Closing : 7/22/98	
Opening Prices	
1. automatic abbe refractometer    $2,100.00	
2. Beckman DU-7    $3,500.00	
3. Waters 717 autosampler    $4,700.00	
4. HP MS Engine/Electrospray System    $63,000.00	
5. HP 5890 GC    $12,000.00	
6. Environmental Chamber    $5,250.00	
7. New Olympus Microscope    $1,600.00	
8. ICP plasma 1000    $8,500.00	
9. Kjeldahl ( Macro) Distillation Unit    $1,800.00	
10. Laboratory Furniture    $6,000.00	
Sale Closing : 7/24/98	
Opening Prices	
1. Grass Inst. Recorder/Polygraph    $6,500.00	
2. Hitachi Z-9000    $15,750.00	
3. Perkin Elmer Plasma 400 Spec    $21,000.00	
4. Zeiss EM 10 Transmitting Electron Microscope    $22,750.00	
5. Particle Analysis Instruments    $1,500.00	

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