Thank you for understanding. Do you (or anyone reading this) know if
their is any research being done with regards to genetic testing prior
to immunizations?
I have had so many responses from people all over the world who's
symptoms or onset of a disease happened as a result of the vaccine. I
can't believe anymore that this is coincidental. How do you explain an 8
year old with fibromyalgia? So many people with fibromyalgia had
significant worsening of symptoms after an immunizations. These symptoms
have lasted for years. How can this be explained in scientific terms?
I am searching for an understanding and an improvement in the quality of
the studies being done with regards to vaccines. More long term studies
need to be done.
Thank you for listening and most of all understanding,
James P Picotte wrote:
> I've always understood your point. There is so much about our immune
> systems that are still a mystery it doesn't surprise me that in a
> small percentage of people that vaccines cause some problems and
> sometimes serious problems. Whether this is caused ONLY by the
> vaccine is still very unclear to me. It is clear that there are some
> diseases that are associated with certain HLA (Human leukocyte
> antigens) types in humans. Certainly cross-reactivity has been
> observed such as in rheumatic fever and there may be some of this type
> of reaction involved with vaccines. Certainly there ARE risks with
> vaccines, but they are certainly much lower than not using vaccines (I
> know this is not what your saying). Of course physicians should be
> aware of the possibility of some strange result of vaccines even if
> the vaccine can't be conclusively identified as the etiologic agent in
> the case.
>> --
> James P Picotte
> Michigan State University
> College of Human Medicine
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