Can you provide another alternative,Cijadrachon?
Cijadrachon wrote in message <358ffb29.81973310 at>...
>Xoqom <xoqom at> wrote:
>>>An elementary question:
>>>>Can we say that the deeper we dig into the brain the more
>>primitive but more fundamental functions we encounter,
>That might depend on wether you mean cells or mean areas of the brain.
>Maybe look at the "embryo's brain-worm"-development.
>Then you might see a lot.
>>>i.e. "higher" functions (emotions, ...
>>Some are very, very old and some are seem very primitive, f.e.
>compared to the newer, complexer ones of the "middle age mammal ones
>of b.amygdala".
>>There are some in the body where I have been wondering how old they
>are, and if some might not even be older than the head is
>historically, but maybe that is wrong.
>>>self-reflection, etc.) tend to be located in the surface layers (cerebral
>>I use the front for self reflection, but I myself "give the
>self-reflection commands".
>If I lower the front's capacities, f.e. with drugs, then I can not do
>that as well anymore. ...And I myself don't feel that new but feel
>to be of middle age (similar to the mammal emotion block in the
>amygdala) though having old parts and though being connected to some
>rather newish functions.
>But that might be wrong.
>>>and "lower" but vital functions are buried deeper within?
>A friend of mine once mentioned some image - when talking about
>twisting hair down behind the ears - of moving the hands like making
>a screw in there, and I got death-height warnings of not sticking any
>long screws in there and therefore could not use that as an image with
>the ease he did...
>I guess if you damage the brain stem too much you might be screwed...
>>...But all in all I guess very simplified the neocortex could be seen
>like an outer protection helmet of more important inner areas, so that
>damages out there might not be as bad as damages to some of the inner
>areas, especially the brain stem.
>>>Can we make such a general statement about the brain
>>Part seems wrong to me.
>>>...I'd say the deeper some human people dig into the brain of some
>unconsenting other people, especially in some areas, the deeper the
>crimes human people commit against other people.
>>>Xoqom, this is the place of people who refuse to admit that we are
>part of the limbic system so that they can go on imprisoning,
>injuring, torturing, maiming, and killing other mammals who are so
>similar to us in the brain that a lot of the data they get there can
>be used for us, as it is the same or nearly the same...
>You do not seriously think that to a lot of questions you get answers
>from those cutting around in the hippocampal areas of other people
>like sadistic maniacs knowing the time will come when they no longer
>can refuse to admit that the other mammals are people, too, and that
>not having Broca's and not having such a big neocortex is still not
>making the location and many of the functions of the I-centers that
>>The day you understand why certain folks stopped the frontal cortex
>mania and now are at hippocampal slicing you might get what part of
>neurology is about.
>>The day you understand what data about (areas of) the mind is there on
>Earth and how much is ignored there, even more.
>>But I guess those are other deep waters...
>... made of the pain of those who are suffering at the hands of others
>who torture them in some of the most sick ways I eveer heard of
>to satisfy their curiosity with the claim that they are more worth
>than other persons,
>similar to blacks back then being declared animals, and not wanting to
>realize that we are all animals, and inside feel nearly as related as
>our bones are.
>>>Back then we had Nazis convinced that nothing could stop them and that
>they'd never be held responsible for their crimes.
>And that lots of others (f.e. Jews, Roma, Sinti) were inferior. And
>that inferior races could be abused for experiments ("Mengele"), to
>get data for the own race considered far more worth(y),
>therefore nothing being wrong of (ab)using races deemed less high for
>>There are even more gross deeds committed within neurology now.
>>>Maybe that is why you believe in that higher function stuff, as some
>are still seeking justifications why they are abusing the people of
>other races that sickly, and come up with a lot of wild theories about
>why the neocortex is making them "higher" than the rest and why it
>should have lot of myserious "higher" functions, f.e. making up tales
>about the frontal cortex or bigger nets having to do with having
>consciousness and tales like that.