F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jul 4 00:15:21 EST 1998

I'm having trouble with my browser and/or provider: a LONG followup to
this seems to have disappered into webland.

Bottom line: I checked PDR and Medline.  NO reason to think ANY kind of
vaccination causers MS.  Possibility that Hep B vaccination causes
exacerbation in pre-existing MS--POSSIBILITY.  Medline search for
health care workers X multiple sclerosis yielded nothing.  Some studies
directly addressed issue of other kinds of vaccination influencing MS
course: negative findings.

My posting of full citationss (in prior attempted reply) may be
delayed; INS meeting in Budapest...


In <6net9m$60f at dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com> flefever at ix.netcom.com(F.
Frank LeFever) writes: 
>In <359A6CA0.75024B0A at mediaone.net> Cathy <ccarey at mediaone.net>
>>I  was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2 years ago.
>>It was brought to my attention recently
>How? by whom? In what publication?
> that there is an increase in the
>>amount of health care workers who have MS.
>Data? How obtained? where published?
> They are attributing it to
>>the Hepatitis B vaccine.
>Who are "they"?  Some people who have MS?  Somebody who has done a
>systematic survey with proper statistical analysis?
> I did have the first shot of the series 2
>>months before the onset of MS.
> It is even in the PDR that one of the
>>adverse reactions can be MS.
>I will check out the PDR.  Possibly you misread it?  Possibly it said
>SOME people have SUSPECTED that an EXACERBATION of MS might be one 
>adverse effect???
>Over the years, MANY things have been SUSPECTED of causing MS--when I
>first started dealing with MS patients (as a neuropsychologist, not as
>a physician), over 20 years ago, having small pets in the home was
>suspected...   Subsequent statistical analysis found the apparent
>association illusory.
>>I am just curious as to how many of you have had any kind of a
>>to any kind of vacccine.
>ANY reaction to ANY kind of vacciner??? Maybe about 1 in 50?  local
>soreness, possibly flu-like symptoms, very briefly?
> Some people with fibromyalgia attribute it to
>>the Hep B Vaccine.
>Some may, some attribute it to other things, but without systematic
>study this is about like attributing thunderstorms to one's having
>washed the car recently.
>I'm being a bit sharp or harsh, not because I belittle your concern re
>MS, but because nut-cases periodically inveigh against vaccinations in
>general, irresponsibly, when the outcomes of failure to get
>vaccinations are KNOWN to be deadly.
>What IS known is that health care workers are at risk for getting Hep
>B, wwhich is a much more common threat than MS in this group, and
>faiure to get Hep B vaccination is much more likely to lead to serious
>illness or death than (so far as has been demonstrated) any risk of
>"getting" MS (I leave open the question of possible EXACERBATION of
>pre-existing MS).
>Do not pass the buck.  Do not refer us to web pages, put up by God
>knows who.  Wha peer-reviewed studies were cited, and what were the
>F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>>The following are address's where you  can find more info. I sure
>>appreciate all of your input on this.

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