Trolling for languages

ravenwolf at my-dejanews.com ravenwolf at my-dejanews.com
Sat Jul 4 11:33:02 EST 1998

Just a simply contribution to this discussion, in the long history of
languages the evolves in different ways cause simply by the isolation of the
different peoples, many peoples in different places could give arousal to
different languages except some universal roots for example, generally the
phonemes used to call mother and father are short words with "A" sound, (the
"A" just in "cat" for English, "attention" in French or "ala" in Spanish)
why? Because the phonetic expression for an open "A" in a short word is the
easiest combination for pronounce with and early and immature motor cortex,
so when we are babies the first words are simply "mum" "mama" "papa" "dad".
Latin have two words for "mother" the common or vulgar word "mama" and the
classical word "mater", also Spanish have "mamá" and "madre" (the English
word "mother" come from this same Latin root)	So idioms have their own
evolutive patterns like species. For example the language we call "English"
have many different origins: first one the original English remind today only
in some Wales and Scot dialects. It was replaced by Latin after the Roman
conquest of the island, till some tribes from northern Europe rule in the
other side of the Adriano walls (Scotland today). After roman fall the
"English" make deals with Angles and Saxons to defend them from picts, but
angles and Saxons considered that the islands are more confortables than
their own freeze lands in the north and they simply took them from "English"
(in those times called "Britons" so they have to abandon their lands, to
Wales region and to the continent, in the French coast they arrive a the
place today know as Bretain.   So in those days the island had 3 different
languages, the "Briton" original language, the Latin in the church, and the
news German languages the angle and the Saxon. And in the north part of the
islands the old Celtic tribes (picts and others) survived till our days in
Irish and some Scottish terms.	 So a language "never" dies simply evolves,
maybe we can not see dinosaurs today but we can see birds, same is with
languages, and the original roots survey today. In English the animal is call
"horse" but the soldiers using horses in war are the "Calvary".        Today
the high interaction between people of different places make this evolution
more and more fast, in Miami the original English is now a interesting mix
between Spanish. And the "Spanish" languages in South America are really a
mix between Spanish, Italian, some French and few German words, added with
some American original words.	     So some international language is
arising now, born in the marriage of TV and Internet. Better be prepare for
this. Our original languages will be, some day, only an interesting museum
piece, a research object for specialists.

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