Trolling for languages

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Fri Jul 3 23:42:17 EST 1998

Sorry, I snipped name of person I was replying to...

F. LeFever

>F. Frank LeFever wrote:

- - - - - - -(snip)- - - - - - - - -

>> Just to steer this OUTRAGEOUSLY OFF-TOPIC thread back a bit closer
to neuroscience: a smattering of Greek and Latin makes neuroanatomical
>> terms into something more than arbitrary "nonsense words" or "codes"
>> and thereby easier to remember.

- - - - -  - -(snip) - - - - - - - 

>Neuroscience (and cognitive science) does not include merely a
>of Greek & Latin terms, nor are the terms in these "dead" languages
>confined to anatomy.  No need to get long winded or arcane to
>_neurology_,  _cognition_, _phenomena_, _psychology_,
>deviate, divide (etc),  eidetic,  system, qualitative,/quantity,
>capacity/or, perception, reproduction, principle, investigate,
>research, subject/object, requirement,  photoreceptor, tolerance_, . .

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