Trolling for Geniuses (Yo! Picasso!)

CASEY DURFEE S cdurfee at el0.cs.umass.edu
Thu Jul 2 21:09:59 EST 1998

F. Frank LeFever (flefever at ix.netcom.com) wrote:
: In <3599d0c5.0 at news.victoria.tc.ca> mentifex at scn.org (Mentifex Maker of
: Minds) writes: 

: >
: >   As you grew up,  you searched farther and wider for challenges
: >worthy of your intellect.   You experienced  the "gravitation" of
: >strong intellects towards eternal mysteries:
: >      - the oldest things (paleontology; cosmogony);
: >      - the smallest things (particle physics);
: >      - the largest things (Heavy Metals; universes = ASTRONOMY);

: I don't think heavy metals are heavy because they are LARGE. 
: Apparently you are not the genius you are trolling for.  Try better
: bait.

Actually, I think he was referring to heavy metal, like Motley Crue
or Guns 'n Roses.  Megadeth's sound system is one perfect example of 
heavy metal's search for the largest things.

-Casey Durfee

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the
source of all true art and science.  He to whom this emotion is a
stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as
good as dead; his eyes are closed." -Albert Einstein

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