Molecular Neuroscience Technical Position at UCLA

J E jer at enteract.com
Wed Jul 1 09:13:09 EST 1998

On 1 Jul 1998 03:05:24 GMT, flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever)
>Well, not "period"; perhaps "semicolon"?  Followed by a reference to
>behavioral and cognitive aspects?  Taking the example of the Society
>for Neuroscience: while more molecular (cellular, etc.) studies may
>dominate papers presented at its annual meetings, there is a small but
>significant group of papers which include behavioral dependent and/or
>independent variables (my own presentions are in this
>category)--although of course based on experimental manipulations,
>objective measurements, etc., often (usually?) involving at least some
>aspect of the techniques you refer to.

Oh Yes! Didn't mean to be exclusionist, by any means. Behavioral
studies of brain damage and the like rank at the top as well. ;-)


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