In article <35996492.9D430F09 at>, skring at wrote:
> Bryan J. Maloney wrote:
>> > Mentipoo, I "grok" the Latin you used just fine. I also consider Latin to
> > be useful for historians and antiquarians. It's dead. No natural
> > scientist needs it these days.
> >
> > If you consider how many words in most modern Western languages are composed
> > of Latin or Greek, you would not call either a dead language. If anything,
> > English is an almost dead language, as there is very little Angle-ish left
> > in it.
>> (Sorry; just couldn't resist this iconoclasm)
I did not write the second paragraph, and whomever claims that most words
in English are "composed of Latin or Greek" is only showing off his utter
ignorance of English, indeed, he is only showing off his utter ignorance
of northern European languages.