Obtain a free copy of the 1998 Source Book, a comprehensive guide to
bioresearch products, by filling in the request form at the BioSupplyNet
site: http://www.biosupplynet.com. The Source Book provides up-to-date
information about molecular biology products, lab instrumentation, and
supplies. 70,000 copies of the Source Book will be given to scientists
this year.
Biomedical researchers will find that the unique organization of the
Source Book simplifies product searching and speeds the gathering of
comparative information. The Source Book indexes products in 2250
categories, and provides up-to-date contact information, including WWW
and e-mail addresses, for 3000 suppliers. Bench Basics comparative
tables allow apples-to-apples comparisons of products. A special Lab
Set-up Check List simplifies the process of putting together a new
The BioSupplyNet web site at http://www.biosupplynet.com ,the online
companion to the Source Book, provides interactive access to Source Book
information as well as several enhancements, including the BioToolKit, a
searchable directory of 500 free molecular biology databases, analytic
tools, and structural imaging software applications.