Postdoc position/ hair cell death

Kevin Kanning kanning at u.washington.edu
Sat Jan 31 17:20:36 EST 1998

Immediate opening for a Postdoctoral Position to Study  Neuron Cell Death
Associated with Hearing Loss

	We are seeking a highly motivated, talented post-doctoral fellow
to carry on an exciting collaborative project to define molecular
mechanisms for cell death in hair cells in the auditory system. The
candidates should have Ph.D. training in either Cell Biology, Molecular
Biology, or Biochemistry, and be a US citizen or permanent resident of the
	 This research project is a collaboration between the laboratories
of Dr. Zhengui Xia in the Toxicology Program and Dr. Ed Rubel in  the
Departments of Otolaryngology, Physiology and Biophysics and Neurological
Surgery. The Xia lab is interested in molecular mechanisms controlling
cell survival and apoptosis, particularly in the nervous system (Xia, Z.
et al.,  (1995) Opposing Effects of ERK and JNK-p38 MAP Kinases on
Apoptosis. Science  270:1326-1331). The Rubel lab studies development and
physiology of the auditory system, and regeneration of hair cells in the
inner ear (e.g. Stone, J.S., Leano, S.G., Baker, L.P., and Rubel, E.W:
Hair Cell Differentiation in the Chick Cochlear Epithelium Following
Aminoglycoside Toxicity:  In Vivo  and In Vitro observations.  J.
Neurosci. 16:6157-6174, 1996).

	If you are interested in this position,  please contact us at one
of the following addresses. If you know someone who is qualified and is
interested in,  we would appreciate if you could pass along the

			Dr. Zhengui Xia			Dr. Ed Rubel
PHONE:  		(206)616-9433			(206) 543-8360
FAX:			(206)685-3990 			(206) 616-1828
E-Mail:		zxia at u.washington.edu		rubel at u.washington.edu

Sincerely yours,

Zhengui Xia, Ph. D.
Sheldon Murphy Assistant Professor

Ed Rubel,  Ph. D. 

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