[Q] Consciousness ?

crosley at tcp.co.uk crosley at tcp.co.uk
Sat Jan 31 10:47:02 EST 1998

In Article<34CF08D9.5607F8AD at nuri.net>, <tyahn at nuri.net> write:
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> From: Tae-Young Ahn <tyahn at nuri.net>
> Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience
> Subject: [Q] Consciousness ?
> Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 19:30:49 +0900
> Organization: A-Lab, CNS, Seoul, Korea
> Lines: 23
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> Hi, all.
> I have several questions about consciousness.
> Can we explain consciousness as term of energy and matter ?
> Or, is consciousness metaphysical problem ?
> I have some articles related to perception, binding problem, and
> temporal synchronization. does this temporal coherence give us lucid
> explanation to reductionistic solution of consciousness ?
> I have been baffled at above question. Plaease, help me.
> Tae-Young
> "We all agree that your theory is crazy. The question which 
divides us
> is whether it is crazy enough." -- Niels Bohr
     Try the Association for the Scientific Study of 
     (ASSC) at: www.phil.vt.edu/ASSC/esem.html
     Journal of Consciousness Studies, (JCS) at:
     Keith Sutherland at: keith at imprint.co.uk
     John Shaw

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