Looking for a book

crosley at tcp.co.uk crosley at tcp.co.uk
Fri Jan 30 07:30:59 EST 1998

In Article<Pine.SOL.3.91.980121172101.13404A-100000 at soc13.acpub.duke.edu>, <his1 at acpub.duke.edu> write:
> Path: tcp.co.uk!wapping.ecs.soton.ac.uk!spruce.sucs.soton.ac.uk!server2.netnews.ja.net!btnet-peer!btnet!dispose.news.demon.net!demon!europa.clark.net!!howland.erols.net!agate!newsgate.duke.edu!soc13.acpub.duke.edu!his1
> From: Haris Iqbal Sair <his1 at acpub.duke.edu>
> Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience
> Subject: Looking for a book
> Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 17:26:06 -0500
> Organization: Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
> Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.980121172101.13404A-100000 at soc13.acpub.duke.edu>
> NNTP-Posting-Host: soc13.acpub.duke.edu
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> Lines: 14
> Xref: tcp.co.uk bionet.neuroscience:13030
> Hi everyone,
> 	I am looking for a book that came out recently, within the last 
> half year, I think, and I don't remember the title nor the author. It has 
> to do with the neurobiology of counsciousness and all I can remember is 
> that there is a picture of a statue of Buddha on the cover. I 
would be 
> grateful to anyone who might, from the little information 
given above, be 
> able to tell me the book for which I am searching. 
> 			Haris
> 	==================
> 	"Who are you and why are you so damn funny?!?"
> 					-Heather
     Try the Association for the Scientific Study of 
     (ASSC) at: www.phil.vt.edu/ASSC/esem.html
     Journal of Consciousness Studies, (JCS) at:
     Keith Sutherland at: keith at imprint.co.uk
     John Shaw

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