[Q] Consciousness ?

K C Cheng kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com
Thu Jan 29 11:43:36 EST 1998

pspangle at worldnet.att.net wrote:
> In article <34CF08D9.5607F8AD at nuri.net>,
>   Tae-Young Ahn <tyahn at nuri.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, all.
> >
> > I have several questions about consciousness.
> >
> > Can we explain consciousness as term of energy and matter ?
> >
> > Or, is consciousness metaphysical problem ?
> >
> > I have some articles related to perception, binding problem, and
> > temporal synchronization. does this temporal coherence give us lucid
> > explanation to reductionistic solution of consciousness ?
> >
> In the study of consciousness, mankind today is probably at the level
> where the early Egyptions were in astronomy.  We understand that if a
> certain part of the brain is damaged, certain aspects of consciousness
> disappear (e.g. lose the use of a part of the right side of your brain
> and you will no longer recognize your left hand as your own -- and indeed
> will emphatically deny that it is your own). However, precisely how to
> make the jump from firing neurons to what it is that lets you see your
> nose from the back end is still unknown -- it's what David Chalmers calls
> the "hard problem."  If you want to follow what those working (?) on this
> area are doing, you should follow the moderated newsgroup
> sci.psychology.consciousness
> Patrick Spangler
> -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
>       http://www.dejanews.com/     Search, Read, Post to Usenet

re the above:
Consciousness is the sum total of sensing via our peripheral
receptors(neurons).   An unique property of the neurons is to "feel" 
the electromagnetic messages included in incoming volleys of afferent 
nerve impulses arising from  such peripheral receptors as those on the
retina, or in the inner ears, or in the skin, etc. (For an introduction,
see my neural website at  
http://webhome.idirect.com/~kccheng)   Once remembered,  the earlier
sensations alow us to use them to assess new incoming ones.  While a
person retains such accumulated knowledge of the,  and is able to still
perceive the current, environment; one has an active consciousness.  But
if one has lost the ability to sense one's own memories and the
environement,   one would have lost one's  consciousness.   More fully
exosed in  volumes 5~19 of my  Electromagnetism of Memory, Mentation and
Behaviour, still in manuscript form. 

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