Parkinson's desease and basal ganglia

Rene Aid rene.aid at imag.fr
Thu Jan 29 08:16:22 EST 1998

Hello all of you,

I have some questions about Parkinson's desease and basal ganglia that I
can't seem to find an answer. Here they are~:

1- is there an uptake of 6-OHDA in the nigro-striatal pathway ?

2- are they some data on the EEG of the structure of basal ganglia ?

If you have some information on that, you can send them to

Brigitte.Piallat at ujf-grenoble.fr


   Equipe Calcul Formel -  LMC-IMAG
   51 rue des Mathématiques -  BP 53	tel   : (0)4 76 51 45 51
   38041 GRENOBLE Cedex 9 - FRANCE	fax   : 33 4 76 63 12 63
		mailto:Rene.Aid at imag.fr

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