Postdoctoral Research Associate Position available immediately
in a multidisciplinary retinal transplantation program
at the Kentucky Lions Eye Center,
Dept. Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences,
University of Louisville School of Medicine (KY)
to study function and connections of retinal transplants to the eyes
of experimental animals.
Experience with microdissection and lab animals required.
Knowledge of histology, tracing techniques, in situ hybridization,
electron microscopy and/or electrophysiology desirable.
If interested, call Dr. R. Aramant
at (502) 852-4882, FAX (502) 852-0128
or send C.V. and addresses of three references to
Dr. R. Aramant
Dept. Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
University of Louisville School of Medicine
301 E. Muhammad Ali Blvd.
Louisville, KY 40202
e-mail rbaram01 at