Great News: Bioinformation Search Center Version 3.0 !

Mousheng Xu mxu at eecs.ukans.edu
Tue Jan 27 13:01:42 EST 1998

Dear Scientists:
        The Bioinformation Search Center (BSC) 3.0
(http://www.ittc.ukans.edu/~mxu/cgi-bin/thesis/bi.cgi) is now available
to the public!
        Maijor new features of Version 3.0:
        1. Partial result display, from the first to the last, step by
        2. Faster result presentation;
        3. A more robust scoring method is used. You can find your
information more easily.
        Please give this baby a try!
        Any comments are highly appreciated!
        Please see below for the brief introduction to BSC.
        Thanks a lot.

Mousheng Xu


    Bioinformation Search Center is a MS thesis project implemented by 
<a href="mailto:mxu\@eecs.ukans.edu">Mousheng Xu</a>, Department of
EECS, University of Kansas. 
    The goal of BSC is help scientists to search for biologically
related information stored in distributed biological databases such as
GenBank, Human Genome Database, and Protein Information Resource. It has
quite a few 
<a href="http://www.ittc.ukans.edu/~mxu/cgi-bin/thesis/bi.cgi">cool
features </a> such as automated distributed database entry interlink,
easy expansion to include more databases in the system, easy
mainteinance, concise result representation, etc. 
    It is believed to find more and high quality information than any
other biological databases.

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