Postdoc position available

Joanna Mancusi jmancusi at ucsd.edu
Mon Jan 26 16:45:39 EST 1998




Applications are invited for postdoctoral fellowships in Language, Communication and Brain at the Center for Research in Language at the University of California, San Diego.
The fellowships are supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIDCD), and provide an annual stipend ranging from $20,292 to $26,900 depending upon years of postdoctoral experience.  In addition, funding is provided for medical insurance and limited travel.

The program provides interdisciplinary training in:

   (1)  psycholinguistics, including language processing in adults and language development in children;

   (2)  communication disorders, including childhood language disorders and adult aphasia;

   (3)  electrophysiological studies of language, and

   (4)  neural network models of language learning and processing.

Candidates are expected to work in at least one of these four areas, and
preference will be given to candidates with background and interests
involving more than one area.

Grant conditions require that candidates be citizens or permanent
residents of the U.S.  In addition, trainees will incur a payback
obligation during their first year of postdoctoral NRSA support and
are required to complete a Payback Agreement.  

Applications must be RECEIVED by March 15, 1998.

Training may begin as early as July 1, 1998 and as late as May 30, 1999.  
This is a one year appointment.  Questions regarding this program may be sent to 
Joanna Mancusi, jmancusi at ucsd.edu.  

Applicants should send a statement of interest, three letters of recommendation,
a curriculum vitae and copies of relevant publications to:

   Joanna Mancusi
   Center for Research in Language 0526
   University of California, San Diego
   9500 Gilman Drive
   La Jolla, California 92093-0526   
   (619) 534-2536

Women and minority candidates are specifically invited to apply.

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